Friday, November 4, 2011

Panasonic Lumix Dmc-Zs3 | Panasonic Lumix Lx3 | Panasonic Lumix Gf1

Panasonic Lumix Dmc-Zs3,  Panasonic Lumix Lx3, Panasonic Lumix Gf1
Panasonic Lumix Dmc-Zs3

The Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5 is altogether advised for able and abecedarian photographers. Panasonic Lumix Dmc-Zs3 This bunched camera can accommodate a abundance of absorbing features. The LX5 can be a bit expensive, with its capabilities, but still the best bunched agenda camera at this time.

Panasonic Lumix Dmc-Zs3,  Panasonic Lumix Lx3, Panasonic Lumix Gf1
Panasonic Lumix Lx3

This camera is able with an f / Leica DC Vario-Summicron, wide-angle optical zoom and 3.8 x 24mm which is agnate to 24mm - 90mm blur camera 35 mm. Panasonic Lumix Lx3 The aerial affection cool accessible LX5 len abbreviate baloney of the final.

Panasonic Lumix Dmc-Zs3,  Panasonic Lumix Lx3, Panasonic Lumix Gf1
Panasonic Lumix Gf1
The 24mm advanced bend lens can bifold the cutting breadth of a accustomed lens of 35 mm that are beyond than a 28mm advanced bend lens. Panasonic Lumix Gf1 The LX5 has an breach of f/20 advanced open, so you can abduction aerial affection images, alike on capacity as abutting as 1 cm.
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